Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In which Eeyore's audience is Kind and has Brains.

In some troupes I've been in and others I've coached, I've noticed a tendency to argue with the audience after the show is over. We'll call one of these troupe members Eeyore.

Dear Eeyore,

When someone from the audience approaches you after the show and says, "Good show, Eeyore!" say, "Thank you. I'm glad you came." Then stop talking.

Always say thank you, even if you didn't think you did a good job. This audience has not only paid to see you play but has also sought you out afterward to say hello. That makes it a Kind and Thoughtful audience.

If you say, "Really? You think so?" it seems like you are asking your audience for specific critique. That is your coach's job, not your audience's. 

If you say, "Thank you, but I didn't feel very good about it," that makes it seem like you don't think very highly of your audience. 

When someone tells you you did a good job, believe that they mean what they say. If you disagree or question them, you are suggesting either that he is a liar, or else a Bear with a Pleasing Manner but a Positively Startling Lack of Brain.

They've got Brains, all of them, not only grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake. They Think. And we already know that they are Kind and Thoughtful, so let us assume they are telling the truth. They really did enjoy your show.

A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference. Just say thank you.


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